I read this a couple of months ago on a youth specialties website, and just stumbled upon it again. Food for thought.
"Evangelical Christians are the least likely group of people willing to give financial support to a child orphaned as a result of AIDS, according to a recent survey of North Americans. Did you catch that? The least likely!
In other words: those not declaring their allegiance to Jesus Christ are more likely to live out the gospel with these orphans and widows.
I'm enraged by this. I'm embarrassed, saddened, and frustrated. And I point my finger at myself, since I've done nothing up to this point. But my emotions won't do a thing to help the 13 million children affected by HIV/AIDS.
13 million—that's how many kids have lost one or both parents, not including the millions more who are living in a home where their lives are drastically affected by this deadly disease.
Only action will help. James 1:27 says: "Religion that God our Father accepts as pure and faultless is this: to look after orphans and widows in their distress and to keep oneself from being polluted by the world."
Let's show people that being a disciple of Jesus Christ isn't about just amassing knowledge for a future in heaven; real disciples aren't me-focused, living for their next contemporary worship fix or Christian t-shirt. Real disciples are action-oriented, aggressively leaning toward days of hope and a gospel of love." - Mark Ostreicher
"Evangelical Christians are the least likely group of people willing to give financial support to a child orphaned as a result of AIDS, according to a recent survey of North Americans. Did you catch that? The least likely!
In other words: those not declaring their allegiance to Jesus Christ are more likely to live out the gospel with these orphans and widows.
I'm enraged by this. I'm embarrassed, saddened, and frustrated. And I point my finger at myself, since I've done nothing up to this point. But my emotions won't do a thing to help the 13 million children affected by HIV/AIDS.
13 million—that's how many kids have lost one or both parents, not including the millions more who are living in a home where their lives are drastically affected by this deadly disease.
Only action will help. James 1:27 says: "Religion that God our Father accepts as pure and faultless is this: to look after orphans and widows in their distress and to keep oneself from being polluted by the world."
Let's show people that being a disciple of Jesus Christ isn't about just amassing knowledge for a future in heaven; real disciples aren't me-focused, living for their next contemporary worship fix or Christian t-shirt. Real disciples are action-oriented, aggressively leaning toward days of hope and a gospel of love." - Mark Ostreicher
funny. i used a quote from that at one of our training events. :)
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