People of Passion
My friend Tara just wrote a post that I would like to quote, because it's exactly where my heart is as well.
It is my constant prayer that God would surround me with truly passionate people [not just marriage-wise, but friends-wise], because these are indeed the people who make life so much richer and fuller and more life-giving. I pray also that God would hone and grow and move my passions into life-changing action...
i realized something. there are very few people in this world who are TRULY
passionate about something...whatever that something is.i realized that i don't
want to be married unless i find someone who is genuinely passionate and moved
to action by the things in life that are good and beautiful and worthy and of
eternal significance. these are the people who make your heart come alive and
make life closer to what God intended.these people are rare...but worth waiting
for...and worth becoming.
It is my constant prayer that God would surround me with truly passionate people [not just marriage-wise, but friends-wise], because these are indeed the people who make life so much richer and fuller and more life-giving. I pray also that God would hone and grow and move my passions into life-changing action...