Thinking Out Loud.
I just finished reading Dan Kimball's chapter on Leadership in his book "The Emerging Church". I really liked it. I realise that I know a lot of leaders who are "pastoral" more than they are "executive". They are, in fact, the ones I love and aspire to be like, which only reminds me that is there no need for me to "be postmodern" - I naturally am and I respond to those who are.
I think God is working on my critical spirit. I think that being overly critical is really a sign of being unsure of who you are and what you believe about something. It has been for me anyways.
The bottom line is, I just need to be who and what I am. It has become engrained in me for some time to react to certain terms and certain ways of doing things or certain books as if I am reacting to an allergy. But where's the need for that? I hate people who do that, and here I am, being what I hate!
I have been praying for my heart to be broken - broken by the state of this world, broken by people who are unhappy, broken by the same things that break God's heart. I know that will move me towards prayer much more than anything else will. And may humility accompany all of it.
I think God is working on my critical spirit. I think that being overly critical is really a sign of being unsure of who you are and what you believe about something. It has been for me anyways.
The bottom line is, I just need to be who and what I am. It has become engrained in me for some time to react to certain terms and certain ways of doing things or certain books as if I am reacting to an allergy. But where's the need for that? I hate people who do that, and here I am, being what I hate!
I have been praying for my heart to be broken - broken by the state of this world, broken by people who are unhappy, broken by the same things that break God's heart. I know that will move me towards prayer much more than anything else will. And may humility accompany all of it.
Ca fait vraiment du bien de lire quelque chose qui vient de TOI, my lovely older sister, tout simple, plein de vie, et which breathes the peace you've found.
I love you my bichounette.
Surtout quand ta chambre sent la ferme, de la Fouly, là, tu vois? (en h-aut)
Jeanne a raison, c'est tres enrichissant!
Broken-heartedness is the ONLY thing that will lead you to sincere praying: whole-heartedness for our King and anguish for the lost and the saved.
Keep rambling and pondering, you rock more every time!
Mr. Noels
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